Friday, June 17, 2011
An Open Letter to Camp: Please don't suck
Dear Camp,
I feel like we have gotten off on the wrong foot.
Sure, I have said things like "I hate you" and I admit, I have called you "Suckation", but you have to admit that you haven't always been nice to me.
Remember that time, when the kids had to wear garbage bags because it rained sooooo much that our tent flooded?
And who could forget the pedophile who wanted to "play" with my girls at the pool.
Surely you haven't forgotten about the time the beach was filled with all those sand digging bees? Or how about the time the weather never got out of the 100s even at night.
Let's face it we have had a rocky relationship. You have done some mean things to me and I have retaliated by refusing to take the dog and no longer sleeping in a tent.
I think we should make nice. After all, I agreed to leave today and not come home until NEXT Friday. That alone might kill me. The only solace I have right now is that we are in a modern cabin
Cut me some slack. How about it only rains at night? How about the beach is nice and not littered bees on steroids? How about the weather remains pleasant? How about my kids don't fight...LOL. If you can make that happen I might consider not coming back.
Here's hoping we have come to an agreement.
Your friend,
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- kisatrtle
- I'm a 41 year old (gasp) freelance writer, school cafeteria manager, wife and mother. I have three children and one anxious and overweight beagle. I use my blog to make others laugh, to share some cool crafts, to document my lunchlady adventures and to lament about the challenges faced by us all on the journey called life. Thanks for visiting. Please leave some meant some comments.
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10 random thoughts:
hahaha...enjoy your camping dear friend :)
I hope camp read your letter and complies!! Though it does make for good blog fodder when you have a bad camping experience.
I hope everything works out as agreed. :)
Hey my friend, could you shoot me an email with info on how you got the copyright ptotection on your blog?
thank you :)
Camping is always fraught with the joy of cold, wet, damp and rocky beds. That is why I don't do it any more. {*grin*}
Oh boy...memories. I'd have to add no mosquitoes and no bloodsuckers in the lake.
Be brave and avoid KP at all cost. :)
It used to rain EVERY SINGLE time we went camping when I was a kid! Stopping by from TRDC
I use to be a camp counselor. Best time ever. Sorry yours isn't.
Hope your camping is going well!!! Those bees sound nasty...never heard of them and never want to again! Maybe they won't show up on this trip, and your letter will be heard.
I think you were a happy camper this time, right??? With your sense of humor, I know that you have fun :)