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Monday, June 6, 2011

2011 Graduation #2

Tonight's graduation was beautiful and sad all at the same time.  The seniors lost one of their own less than one month ago in a motorcylce accident.  His chair remained empty as a reminder to all those in attendance that life holds no guarantees. 

That life is unpredictable.

His diploma was the first awarded and it was accepted by his parents.  Eleven white doves where released and they circled the stadium quite a few times before they departed.  Almost as if they were saying, "I don't want to go, but I can no longer stay."

The ceremony awarded 210 diplomas and provided six speeches to gather quotes from.  My favorite quote was spoken by the valedictorian as she remembered the classmate that died all too soon.

"Anything can happen to us at anytime.  Part of who we are is what we leave behind."

What kind of impression or mark do you want to leave behind?

4 random thoughts:

Anonymous said...

I often wonder about this very thing...what will be remembered when Im gone, have I left a good impression....

a powerful post my friend

Jenners said...

How heartbreaking! I bet there wasn't a dry eye in the place. I'm sure it added a resonance and gravity to the graduation that might not have been there otherwise.

Kristie Maynard said...

What a moving tribute that must have been. My heart goes out to that family and friends! How will I be remembered? Hmmmm, I'm hoping with great fondness and wonderful memories for all who know me.

septembermom said...

How very sad. Life doesn't hold any guarantees.

Interesting quote to think about too.

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I'm a 41 year old (gasp) freelance writer, school cafeteria manager, wife and mother. I have three children and one anxious and overweight beagle. I use my blog to make others laugh, to share some cool crafts, to document my lunchlady adventures and to lament about the challenges faced by us all on the journey called life. Thanks for visiting. Please leave some meant some comments.
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