Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crafting with Confidence: Episode 3

This is the third installment of Crafting with Confidence, the humorous craft show I filmed with my sister when we were at the beach a few weeks ago.  I would love to know what you think of it.

Happy Tuesday and remember to use your paper cutter with caution.

2 random thoughts:

Robyn said...

You are the funniest bunch of girls (besides me and my friends) that I've ever met!!!!!


Shannon said...

what a bag of mixed nuts you all are! LOL I LOVE THESE!!!! HAHAHAHA


word is: scaro, which is Sharo at Halloween! (and she is already pretty scary!)

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About Me

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I'm a 41 year old (gasp) freelance writer, school cafeteria manager, wife and mother. I have three children and one anxious and overweight beagle. I use my blog to make others laugh, to share some cool crafts, to document my lunchlady adventures and to lament about the challenges faced by us all on the journey called life. Thanks for visiting. Please leave some crack...um...I meant some comments.
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