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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 1: Get Fit Challenge

Regular readers know I am playing along with Pish every Thursday for the next 10 weeks. We are trying to get our lives back on track.

Do you have any spring cleaning to do? Any habits you want to break? Physical fitness goals? Writing goals? Trying to work on your relationship? To just finish tasks or organize your time? Or maybe just not throat punch people at work? or your in-Laws? Then this is for you.

Link up with us every Thursday and tell us how your doing.

Last week I shared with you my desire to complete my NaNoWriMo novel.

Last year I completed a novel in just one month and those who have read the significantly edited version of the book have been heaping it with praise, I'd really like to finish the new book. Since last Thursday I have written nearly 2000 words.

I would like to complete at least 1000 a day, but I am spread a little thin right now.

As for the physically active part of my pledge I am slacking a little. I've been on the tredmill once, danced to the wii once and took the dog for a walk once.

Is three out of seven a failing score. Yes.

I am still studying for servsafe. Ugh. I really am not looking forward to it. But I am progressing.

As for not taking things too can we talk about that one next week?

5 random thoughts:

Wendy said...

You go girl! I am so proud of you for continuing to plug away at your novel. As for the treadmill starts on can always join me at the field!
Hang in there can do it!

Wendy said...

You go girl! I am so proud of you for continuing to plug away at your novel. As for the treadmill starts on can always join me at the field!
Hang in there can do it!

Kristie Maynard said...

Sometimes I think the biggest step is knowing what you want to do and setting the goals. You have done that and although you may not be keeping up as you hoped on all of it, at least you are aware and trying. That is the real important thing.
One of the things I need to concentrate on is my design team work, getting it done ahead of time and then doing some creating that I just want to do, not that I have to do. I also have made some definate plans on what to do with my craft room and how to reorganize it so it is more accessible, I'm determined to get it done and have things in proper order. There are so many things I have that I haven't a clue where they are and many things that I know I have forgotten that I have. I want my room done in the next couple months. I'm determined!

Jenners said...

The key is to keep trying and not give up after a bad week.

septembermom said...

It's awesome how you're working away on that novel. I have to take some inspiration from you to get me moving. My treadmill is hanging wash right now.

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I'm a 41 year old (gasp) freelance writer, school cafeteria manager, wife and mother. I have three children and one anxious and overweight beagle. I use my blog to make others laugh, to share some cool crafts, to document my lunchlady adventures and to lament about the challenges faced by us all on the journey called life. Thanks for visiting. Please leave some meant some comments.
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