
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Some Thanksgiving memories...

We were expecting quite a crowd for Thanksgiving this year, but due to weather and some other unexpected events, we had a few cancellations. My sister and her family were able to make it up from North Carolina. Here she is below with my daughter teacher her table manners.

Here is the kids table. My girls pretending to like each other and my nephew cheesin' up for the camera.

My little guy decided to wear sunglasses throughout dinner. I think he thought he was invisible. My niece didn't want her roll. She wanted "real bread".

The older two share a brain and can't function without some type of electronic stimulus, i.e. TV, gameboy, or computer. I can't tell you how many times we had to get them to turn those items off today.

Notice the DS in the lap in the below photo. Apparently you don't even have to be playing it; it's even fun to watch. Like TV

Here's hoping you Thanksgiving brought as many smiles as mine.

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