
Friday, August 2, 2013

Poolside Perspective:

I haven't been writing much about the pool this year. We had a slow start with a lot of rain in June, kids off at camp, and visits to grandparents houses.

It feels like we haven't been swimming much.

Where has the summer gone?

This is what I learned this week:

Bees will swoop. A bus full daycamp kids and their counselors were in the pool when a bee on steroids decided to swoop down and buzz them. That is a lot of screaming. A lot of screaming!!

Birthdays at the pool ROCK. I spent the day with great friends and family, cheese fries and sun. It doesn't get much better.

You can't predict the weather. We wanted to go to the pool in the evening to listen to a band that one of the lifeguards plays in. Sadly, it thundered and then poured and we never made it.

My sister's pool is even cooler. The kids and I are spending some time in NC with my sister and her family. It's even a better poolside perspective when it's from my sister's screened in porch and I'm watching my kids swim with their cousins.

Sprinkle in some water park fun. We hit the water slides today and it was a perfect way to spend a Friday.

What did you learn this week?


  1. Is that picture from the water park in Kinston????!!!! We will be there Tuesday if the weather is nice.

    Hope you are having a great time with your family.

    1. It sure is Becca. Lots of fun. Your girls will love it!

  2. Some great observations! What did I learn this week? Well my whole summer has been a learning experience since my Mom's fall on June 2nd and I have learned that at 88 Mom is an amazing woman and stronger than anyone else I know. Her attitude is "This is the way it is so we'll live with it and make the best of it." I need to learn more from her!
