
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A day in the life of school broccoli

Hello... My name is Broderick Broccoli and I'm here today to tell you what a day in the life of school broccoli is like...

Follow me.....

As you can see, I'm good for you... I build bone strength and keep the immune system healthy.

Unfortunately, no one cares because I also make you gassy and I am green. If I were yellow like corn more elementary kids would eat me. If I were rainbow... Well then I'd be everyone's favorite. But sadly, I'm green.

Here I am with my cousin Cogsworth Cauliflower who is even more despised than me.

Personally I think I look pretty good in Saran Wrap.

Ready for the tray! Cup me up and serve me with dip...

This is going to be a great day...

What I think will happen!!!

What usually happens...

How can I get more kids to enjoy all I have to offer?

Does anyone have a rainbow marker I could borrow??


  1. You are too funny! Poor broccoli! I happen to love broccoli, guess I'm not surprised that kids don't like it, or won't try it probably! It can be a strong flavor. Will they eat it with some cheese sauce or is that a totaly no no?

  2. It isn't easy being green? Broderick should hook up with Kermit to form a support group.
