
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

2012 Graduation #4

This post wraps up my graduation season.  I was going to cover one more, but my son had a baseball game and I went to that instead. 

Thankfully the crowd at my last graduation was much better behaved than the crowd prior.

There were no inappropriate remarks, no inappropriate chants and only an occasional cell phone conversation.

The weather was beautiful.  Just under 200 students graduated.  There were five speeches and a moment of silence for a deceased classmate.

My favorite quote was spoken by the high school principal.

Quoting Vince Lombardi, she said, “’The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will

This graduation season I saw just under 1000 students receive their diplomas.

I heard approximately 25 speeches.

Only one included Dr. Seuss.

I was startled by at least four fog horns.

I heard people refer to the superintendent of their district in derogatory slurs.

I saw inappropriate signs.

I saw proud parents weep.

I heard idiots heckle.

I saw students hug, some for the last time.

I saw gaggles of teens ready to take on the world.

Here's hoping they learn from some of our mistakes.

Best Wishes to the entire Class of 2012.

May all your dreams come true.


  1. hard to believe graduation is over

  2. I won't be attending any graduations this year. I know a couple kids graduating, but I'm not that close to them. I am enjoying their pictures from prom on facebook though.
    We are much later here in Western NY. Prom was this past weekend for the high schools in our district and graduation isn't until the end of the month.
    Yep, we are very late, but they don't go back until after labor day, so it works.

  3. I hope there are so many happy lives to come from these 1000 graduates. Unfortunately, we rarely learn from others' mistakes. Let's just hope they at least learn from their own.

  4. i have an award for you on my blog
