
Thursday, November 20, 2008

I spine something with my little eye...

It should be obvious that I love a good story. So let me share this one with you.

Setting: Golds Gym

Me: (sitting down at the thigh press) "Wow, whoever was using this last was pressing 75 pounds. I can't even make the bloody thing budge."

75 year old lady beside me, who we will call S: "Oh sorry about that, honey, I usually take the pin out."

Oh you read that right, the 75 year old I was sharing the gym weight room with was kicking my sorry, scrawny, weakling ass.

Me: (while moving the pin to 25 pounds) "You are really strong."

S: "Thanks. It's all my chiropractor's doing. He is the nicest man alive. I could hardly move when I started going to him. I was in pain all over. He saved my life."

Me: "I used to go to a chiro, but haven't in a long time. I really need to go back. I have a nerve problem that runs down my lower back and over my butt."

S: "I could set something up for you. Maybe a free consult."

Me: Thinking to myself "This is odd. I don't even know you. Why would you do that? I live in a county where most people never make eye contact, let alone speak to you." (out loud) "That would be nice."

And set me up she did--with a free consult. As a test I brought my five year old along. The entire office passed with flying colors. Not only did he adjust my lower back, which provided some relief from that tingling and numbness I constantly experience, he adjusted my neck and I haven't had a single headache all day.

I think I'm in LOVE with him...

and just when I thought I couldn't like this Dr. anymore. He (not his staff) called me today, at my home, just to see how I was feeling and if I'd had any pain from the adjustments.

S. is right. He is the nicest doctor in the world.


  1. What a great story. Made me chuckle, and how lovely that there are still nice caring people (I mean the 75 year old not the yummy doctor :) ) in the world. Glad your back's better

  2. Sheesh no kidding. That is awesome. So glad you feel better. I love seeing all the different types of people at the gym. It is the one place where we all have a common goal, to be healthy.

  3. I love and hate my chiropractor at the same time. I can't live without him, but I hate getting the wind whomped out of me everytime I visit the Evil Genius.
