
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First day of school

It's official. I'm now the mother of a 2nd grader and a 4th grader. My middle daughter was ready for school at 6:45 and didn't need to catch the bus until 8:07...LOL Do you think she looks excited? Her enthusiam was contagious.

The oldest was nervous I could tell. I'm hoping that the first day at her new intermediate school goes well and that she likes her new teacher. She seemed excited but once the bus came she looked like she might cry.

This last picture is of my son (in red) and his good friend Zach. They've watched the bus leave without them too many times to count and here you can see them thinking "one more year." I can't wait to scrapbook that. I just love this photo.


  1. O M G Pricelss almost put a tear in my eye..2 cute 4 words.. I want to see that LO!!! 4 SURE!!
    I left U somthing..

  2. hey can you send me that pic? as you know they both moved before I could snap it.
    Thank you!!
